Community Eco Villages

Community title eco-villages are about creating places that express the ideals and values of building community, both physically and socially.

Environments exemplify qualities of both ecological aims but also social aims such as inter-generational co-housing, shared facilities, and neighborly relationships between buildings. Design encourages social interaction, but also preserves quite spaces and privacy.

Some developments specifically focus on health and wellness, others on core philosophical values. There are many ways to build community and create environments with atmospheres that increase meaning in one’s life. Eco-communities often like to explore alternative building materials and we have used hemp masonry, rammed earth, straw bale, and timbercrete.

Housing layouts, promote areas for growing produce, crafting, work at home, inter-generational care and the latest in green technology.



selected projects gallery

homehouse retirement community
Authencity sanctuary community
Hawke dreaming at Aldinga eco-village
Harmony Sanctuary
Millers corner eco-village
sanctuary house at Narara Eco-village